
Game prototypes

The “Game of Natures” Erasmus+ project aimed at explore and providing new techniques in GBL and gamification to increase the participation of young people on environmental, cultural and inclusive activities. During the training, we applied game-design and gamification techniques to develop and test three different game prototypes, or mini-games, in the context of environmental volunteering activities. We analyzed how such activities can be made more dynamic, so that they become «environmental leisure» activities. We developed and tested the three games carrying out a beach cleaning activity. 

The Games

Keep your beach clean

Leave a clear message to protect your beach by collecting trash with your teammate. But beware: it is so easy as it seems, there will be obstacles along the way...

The Princess

The most powerful and benign entity of the island, The Princess, disappeared, embittered by so much rubbish on the beach. Removes the rubbish and finds a way to bring it back!


Remember the 3R: reduce, reuse, recycle. Collect the trash on the beach and use your imagination to think about a new life for all those lost objects. It is time to Un-Trash them!

Your time to play

You can find the complete description of the games, with tips and suggestions, in the following document. We invite you to use these games as an inspiration for youth education activities, to adapt them to your environment and your necessities, and to… Play and have fun!

Click here to download the file with the games. 

Documents & Resources

Here you can find some useful documents, presentations and resources about game-based learning, gamification, and game design, which we used during training. Use them to dig into games, and discover how powerful can games be in youth education. All the materials here reported have been created and kindly provided by Carmine Rodi

Click on the corresponding titles to access and download the following documents.

Online and in-person games

Here you can find the links to the games we presented and experimented during the training. Both games have an online and in-person version. They have been developed as educational games to discover the culture of Tenerife. Just click on the game name, and start play!

Amaro Pargo's Tresure

A game to discover the hidden treasure in the City of San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Unesco World Heritage City.

The Last Guanche Battle

A game of clues to discover the Guanche history and the secrets of the municipality of Tegueste (only spanish version available).